9 Reasons For Spotting Before Period That You Should Be Aware Of

4 min readOct 18, 2020

Heavy or light bleeding during the period is completely different from noticing light bleeding, called spotting before your period. It might cause confusion and anxiety and you will think about running to the doctor to find out if something is wrong. However, in the majority of the cases, spotting is normal and there is nothing to be worried about. Here we have listed a few causes for you to understand why spotting occurs and when it is necessary to meet the doctor.

Reasons For Spotting Before Period:

1. Birth Control

Birth control can alter the body and cause slight spotting in between the period cycle. Especially, when you have IUD inserted, spotting before the period is common in the initial six months. In case, you are taking oral contraceptives, spotting can occur when you start and stop taking the pills.

2. Ovulation

Spotting two-weeks ahead of your period is an indication of ovulation. Do not panic on reading this because egg breaking through can result in slight bleeding and when the blood gets mixed with cervical fluid, you get a pink discharge. This is a healthy sign that you are ovulating. Some may even feel a twinge on one side along with light to heavy spotting.

3. Stress

When you are stressed, your body produces cortisol, the strain hormone, which messes with the opposite hormonal levels and ends up in irregular period or spotting in unusual time between periods. Extreme stress can even stop periods in some women. So, find some natural ways to de-stress yourself and stay calm.

4. Pregnancy

When the animate being attaches to the uterine lining, there are chances of occurrence of slight bleeding, which is named implantation bleeding. This ends up in pinkish or brownish spots among cramping some times. this might be the primary signal of pregnancy, but if bleeding heavy and continuous, contact the doctor for further diagnosis.

5. Thyroid Problem

Thyroid imbalance may end up in spotting or irregular periods. Hypothyroidism has control of your cycle and might cause spotting and heavy bleeding during period. If you experience spotting together with weight loss, fatigue, hair loss, mood changes, inflammation and pain within the front neck, etc, get a briefing and refer to the doctor.

6. Uterine Fibroids

Spotting in the course of symptoms like pain within the pelvic region, painful period, heavy bleeding, constipation, pain in legs, etc is signed indicating fibroids. Nearly, 70% of girls have fibroids and there are lots of treatments available to cure the condition, so no worries, just consult the doctor.

7. Perimenopausal

As you approach menopause, light bleeding or brown or pink spotting can occur before your period. Also, during this transitional phase, the periods are irregular and sometimes heavy. you would possibly also experience occasional spotting every week before the onset of your periods. this is often because, during perimenopause, the hormone levels might become irregular and can not follow the standard pattern of ovulation.

8. Urethral Prolapse

The bladder is connected to the skin of the body through a tube called the urethra, which helps carry urine from your bladder to the opening within the urethra. When the liner inside the urethra projects through the urethral opening then urethral prolapse occurs. This condition can irritate the vagina causing spotting or discharge of small amounts of blood.

9. On Medications like Anticoagulants

Blood thinners or anticoagulants help prevent clotting of blood or averts the prevailing blood clots from growing. This drug is taken to forestall the formation of clots with the arteries, veins or heart. One amongst the side effects of anticoagulants is spotting, which occurs before your periods or sometimes, bleeding might be quite normal.

