Can Vitamin D Injured Our Health

3 min readOct 22, 2020

Vitamin D is dangerous.” “You must be very careful with fat-soluble vitamin.” “Vitamin D can easily become toxic and result in many problems.” “It is risky to require quite 1,000 units of calciferol per day.” have you ever ever heard statements like these? I’ve got. Probably a month doesn’t blow over before I am told that some doctor said the maximum amount when he discovered I had prescribed a “dangerously high dose of fat-soluble vitamin.” So imagine how happy I used to be to search out criticismsmsmsmsm on the incredible safety of D in one in every of the foremost respected medical journals within the U.S.

In the May 2015 edition of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, researchers reported on a study that checked out over 20,000 fat-soluble vitamin blood tests done between 2002 and 2011. They found that the number of individuals testing with fat-soluble vitamin levels over 50 ng/ml increased quite 25 times. little doubt this was because cholecalciferol supplementation is one in every of the foremost important things we can ourrrrr health. And more and more doctors are prescribing it. But what about safety? If the degree of calciferol increased so dramatically over that period, surely the number of toxicity cases went up as well? Not so fast, Pardner.

Out of over 20,000 cases, they found only 1 case of toxicity. which patient had a vitamin D blood level of 364 ng/ml! this can be quite five times above the recommended optimum blood level of 70 ng/ml. the opposite concern that doctors have is that the chance of harmful elevated calcium levels. This happened only in four patients. And when their fat-soluble vitamin intake was reduced, the calcium levels quickly returned to normal. All those concerns of kidney stones, cardiovascular calcifications, and death failed to occur in one person — even within the patient with the 364 ng/ml level. And this isn’t the sole study verifying the incredible safety of ergocalciferol even in high doses. Another study reported just last year on over 17,000 healthy adult volunteers who were taking doses of cholecalciferol up to twenty,000 units each day. Not one in every one of them had any toxicity.

Michael L. Holick, MD is an endocrinologist and is maybe the world’s leading expert on cholecalciferol supplementation. Here’s what he had to mention about cholecalciferol within the same Mayo Clinic Journal issue.

“There is not any credible scientific literature suggesting that fat-soluble vitamin intake increases the danger of kidney stones. Similarly, data are weak regarding the association between vitamin D intake and cardiovascular calcifications. To the contrary, current evidence suggests that improvement in vitamin D status reduces the chance of hypertension, stroke, and myocardial infarct. The evidence is evident that via sterol toxicity is one in all the rarest medical conditions and is usually thanks to the intentional or inadvertent intake of extremely high doses of calciferol, usually within the range of quite 50,000–100,000 units daily for months to years.”

So there you have got it. I hope this puts the via sterol toxicity crisis in its proper place. It’s always amazing to me when a doctor who spends 80% of his life writing prescriptions for patent drugs with serious documented toxicity gets his dander up over a patient taking a vitamin. So if your doctor ever gets excited over your cholecalciferol intake, take care to assist him out and provides him with these references so he can sleep better.

In the meantime make sure to require enough cholecalciferol to urge your blood levels between 50–70 ng/ml. this can be the amount that provides maximum protection. I usually recommend 5,000 IU daily of vitamin D to induce thereto level. And once you get thereto level, check your blood calcium just to create sure that you just aren’t that exceedingly rare person whose levels go up from taking the vitamin.

REF: Dudenkov DV, Yawn BP, et al. Changing Incidence of Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Values Above 50 ng/mL: A 10-Year Population-Based Study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015 May;90(5):577–86.

Holick MF. cholecalciferol isn’t as Toxic as Was Once Thought: A Historical and an Up-to-Date Perspective. Mayo Clin Proc. 20a

